- Formal Methods: Model Checking, Verification, Temporal/Graph/Rewriting Logics.
- Programming Languages: Semantics, Process Algebras, Graph Transformation.
- Distributed and Concurrent Systems: Global Computing, Services, Coordination.
- Software Engineering: Autonomic Computing, Cloud Computing, Security.
- Artificial Intelligence: Heuristic Search, Adaptive Systems, Self-* Systems.
- Model Checking (DTU/2016/2015/2014, IMT/2015/2014/2013)
- Introduction to Coordination in Distributed Applications (DTU/2017/2016)
- Computer Science Modelling (DTU/2017)
- Past: Programming in C++ (DTU/2016/2015), Writing and Presenting Science and Engineering (DTU/2015), Advanced Analysis Techniques (DTU/2015), Introduction to Formal Verification @ GSSI/2013, Algorithms @ IMT Lucca (Fall 2013, Spring 2013), Specification and Verification with Maude @ IMT Lucca (2013, ), A white-box perspective on Adaptation @ AWASS 2012 (2012),
- Many-to-many Information Flow Policies (COORDINATION 2017) []
- Asynchronous Distributed Execution Of Fixpoint-Based Computational Fields (LMCS 2017) [pdf]
- A coordination language for databases (LMCS 2017) [pdf]
- Statistical Model Checking for Product Lines (ISOLA 2016) [pdf]
- Microservices: yesterday, today, and tomorrow (PAUSE 2017) [draft]
- Discretionary Information Flow Control for Interaction-Oriented Specifications (Festschrift Meseguer) [pdf ]
- Replicating Data for Better Performances in X10 (Festschrift Nielson & Nielson) [pdf ]
- Statistical Analysis of Probabilistic SPL Models with Quantitative Constraints (SPLC 2015) [pdf ]
- AVOCLOUDY: A Simulator of Volunteer Clouds (SPE) [ pdf]
- Replica-based High-Performance Tuple Space Computing (COORDINATION 2015) [ pdf]
- Klaim-DB: A Kernel Language for Distributed Databases (COORDINATION 2015) [pdf]
- A Fixpoint-based Calculus for Graph-shaped Computational Fields (COORDINATION 2015) [ pdf]
- The SCEL Language (Software Engineering for Collective Autonomic Systems) [ pdf]
- Perspectives on Adaptation (Software Engineering for Collective Autonomic Systems) [ pdf]
- A White Box Perspective on Behavioural Adaptation (Software, Services, and Systems) [pdf]
- Constraint Design Rewriting (Science of Computer Programming) [ ]
- Can we efficiently verify concurrent programs under RMMs in Maude? (WRLA 2014) []
- Programming and Verifying Component Ensembles (From Programs to Systems) []
- Reputation-based Cooperation in the Clouds (IFIP TM 2014) []
- A Computational Field Framework for Collaborative Volunteer Clouds (SEAMS 2014) []
- Modelling and analyzing self-assembling strategies (Science of Computer Programming) [ ]
full list or check , , scopus, orcid, isi
- Aggregate Programming through a Soft Modal Logic @ LMU [slides]
- Discretionary Information Flow Control for Choreographies @ BETTY Meeting 2015 []
- A Semiring-valued Temporal Logic @ IDEA4CPS [slides]
- Can we efficiently verify concurrent programs under RMMs in Maude? @ [slides]
- Collaborative Task Execution In Volunteer Clouds @ CINA Meeting 2014 [slides]
- more…
QUANTICOL: European FP7 Project on Quantitative Approach to Collective and Adaptive Systems
- CINA: Italian Compositionality, Interaction, Negotiation, Autonomicity for the future ICT society
- ASCENS: European FP7 Project on Autonomic Service Component Ensembles
- : European FP6 Project on Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Computing
Conferences and Journals
- The Journal on Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming ()
- Foundations of Coordination Languages and Self-Adaptative Systems (FOCLASA 2017)
- Coordination Models and Languages (
- Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2017)
- Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017)
- Architectures, Languages and Paradigms for IoT (ALP4IoT 2017)
- Past: CAS 2017, , , , , CONCUR 2016, GCAI 2016, IJCAI 2016, SPIN 2016, DAS 2016, 4PAD 2016, , , FACS 2015, , ADECS 2015, DAS 2015, , , WWV 2015, FMICS 2015, ICE 2015, GAM 2015, MOCHAP 2015, , , , , TGC 2014, ICE 2014, MOSPAS 2014, MOCHAP 2014, , 4PAD 2014, SOAP 2014, ICE 2014, , WS-FM 2013, , TGC 2013, GRAPHITE 2012, ICE 2012, ICE 2012, TGC 2012, GT-VMT 2011, ICE 2011 TGC 2011, , ICE 2010, GT-VMT 2010, SPIN 2007
Marina Andric (PhD student @ IMT Lucca, Italy)
(Researcher @ Xerox Research Centre, India)
Andrea Vandin (Assistant Professor @ IMT Lucca, Italy)
Software Tools
pSpaces: Programming with Spaces
- HSF-SPIN: an extension of the Spin model checker with directed model checking algorithms
- Promela Database: a collection of Promela models for the Spin model checker
Student Projects
- BSc/MSc projects: contact or see some project proposals here or here.
- PhD projects: scholarships from DTU Compute are advertised here.
- Industry BSc/MSc/PhD projects: see .